Friday, October 07, 2005


This was actually published 9/26

Jupiter enters Libra. Jupiter is the largest planet and the lord of the element of Space. Space is related to consciousness and thus it is Jupiter who leads us to this unearthly expansion. The 4 elements of Earth end with our atmoshphere, it is themn Space that takes over. Similarly, our material worldly karmas can only lead us so far, and then we must look inward in order to expand beyond form and thought. Jupiter is the planet in the birth chart which shows how far we may expand in this lifetime and how far we have expandedin past lifetimes. Jupiter is related to the Vedic God Indra as well as the od Brhaspati, the Priest. Through Sagittarius Jupiter expresses more of the qualities of Lord Indra, the sattwic warrior, courageous and ready to do battle with the forces of Darkness. In fact the rainbow is a symbol of Lord Indra's bow and the name of Sagittarius in Sanskrit is Dhanus or "bow". Jupiter expresses more of the qualities of Brhaspati through Pisces. The Sattwic Brahmin, the mystic, with one foot in the other "lokas" or planes of existence. Beyond being the mystic and giver of expansion, Jupiter is also the great giver in the Zodiac. Wealth and fortune, children and luck are all judged from Jupiter. In mundane astrology (the astrology of worldly affairs and cultures), a country's wealth and economy is judged from Jupiter as is the religion and spirituality of the country. This transit of Jupiter has some mixed indications. He is not in a friendly sign, being in Libra, as there is an uneasiness that exists between Jupiter and Venus. (the lord of Libra) Yet for the first time in a couple of years, Jupiter will be operating without an inhibiting aspect of Saturn. This could lead to some initial expansion in the stock market and some intial optimism about the economy, yet this could be premature and cause some foolhardy projections wihich lead to a collapse later. One of the good things about a Saturn aspect upon Jupiter is the realistic nature Saturn brings to jupiterian hope and optimism. Also Jupiter as the lord of Rahu was aspecting his sign and Rahu while in Virgo. This added support to the difficulties of the Node. This support is no longer there. This is especially important fo rthe upcoming eclipse. We may see some intitial optimism between now and the end of October. Jupiter will enter Swati Nakshatra (ruled By Rahu) on 10/27 - soon after that, we may see some disappointing economic news, especially related to stock market and interest rates, bond market, etc. Also once Mars goes retrograde at the end of this week, look for there to be some disruption to the Real Estate market.

Mars goes retrograde 10/2 - Mars is the planet of courage and strength and the powerful actions we can take to transform our our lives. Mars has been in Aries since early July, he will appear to move backward in the sky beginning Oct 2 and lasting until Dec. 9. This retro Mars will present a clear opportunity to transform through discipline, to meditate and to confront one of the main root causes of our suffering, our opinions about how things should or should not be. Mars is the main planet of our opinions. When we realize that we should not be blaming others for our suffering and we should be looking at ourselves as the real source of power, then Mars will kick into gear and keep our focus sharp and vigilant to the mistake in thinking our problems exist outside ourselves. Mars only causes trouble when his hot and sharp nature defends our mental preconceptions through anger. (which is a lot of the time) This could be a very delicate time for the world, as this retro Mars will also be aspecting and aspected by Saturn, who himslef goes retrograde in the middle of November. As mentioned above, we may see some fluctuation in Real Estate between 10/2 and 12/9 as well as an increase in global hostility.


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