Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Update - 7/13 -

In my BLOG on 6/21 I wrote: "The potential for a terrorist attack on the water supply is a real possibililty as Mars and Rahu are in Pisces and Saturn is in Cancer. (Pisces and Cancer are both water signs) There was recent news about this possiblility as the gov't has been investigating it. Mars approaches Rahu and the eclipse point in Mid July and thereafter moves into Aries. But actually, these events could take place anytime within the next month, either here in the US or elsewhere. Mars = attacks, Rahu = Poisons, Saturn = Death -- In 2 water signs this could be meaninigful.. After this event there will likely be a new military conflict as Mars and saturn will be in square until Feb 2006."

Well thankfully i have been wrong about a major terrorist attack on the water supply. Yet it is funny how these things are seen. We had the first major terrorist attack in England last week, right on time with this dangerous month which i alluded to at my BLOG, and we have an unprecedented early hurricane season, showing the exaggerated and excessive water danger and influence. The North Node exaggerates things and blows them up, but he also shows toxins and poisons literally. We have been dodging bullets. Let's hope it continues. Keep Praying
These are all from the last week -

Here is a quote about the hurricane season:"July 5 is the earliest date on record for four named storms to have formed in the Atlantic, and worries about the already active season helped send oil prices climbing briefly past $60 a barrel Tuesday"

Mysterious underwater volcanos in Japan

New Yorkers advised to boil water because of tainted water supply

There were several other stories but this should suffice to show how Mars and Rahu in Pisces are working right now. There was also a major escalation in violence in Iraq by both the US military and Iraqi resistance, and a beheading in Afghanistan. This week could have some real difficult times as the Sun and Mars both change signs; Mars will transit the April 8th eclipse point just a day before entering Aries and passing the gandantha point; at the same time the Moon will be close to debility. Also the Kala Sarpa Yoga is in effect now for a month or so. (all planets Between the Nodes) This Kala Sarpa has to do with completing karmas, (planets between Ketu and Rahu, not reverse) thus i think the theaters of current operations will be disrupted, Iraq / Afghanistan / perhaps more flack over Guantanamo Bay. We have already seen the beheading in Afghanistan, so i think an escalation may occur in the next month or so in Iraq also. Next weekend especially looks precarious. July 15-18th or so,.. Let's keep praying Folks. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a great one. is a page with that as well as other mantras. OM Namo Narayanaya is another famous peace mantra.


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