Predictions Early Summer 2005
NEW MOON July 6,2005 (5AM PST)

From Early to Mid July a very dangerous time as Mars approaches North Node - New moon of 7/6 2005 predicts an ominous month. The New Moon chart has a Gemini ascendant - Merc / venus and saturn in Cancer - with Mars /Rahu tightly conjoined in PIsces and opposed Ketu and Jupiter - (who is the Lord of Mars and Rahu) Jupiter will try to protect his houses, yet Mars Rahu in Pisces shows the possibilty of religious fanaticism resulting in violence. In this chart Mars is the 6th and 11th lord tightly in square and aspecting the Sun and Moon (rasi aspect) - Mars is also Planetary aspecting, in the house of action, the 10th house. Saturn mercury and Venus are all in the enemy Moon's sign. Mercury in particualr is important as the Lord of the Sun and Moon's sign as well as the Nakshatra Lord of Merc, Mars and Rahu.
A lot of potential for some nasty stuff involving explosions, (mars) toxins and radiation (Rahu), with a mystical / spiritual connotation (Pisces) Especially after 7/9 When Mars crosses Rahu and completes the Kala Sarpa Yoga. (All planets between Ketu and rahu) a week later (7/16) Mars will cross the April 8th eclipse point - This could be a very scary day, as the Sun also enters Cancer also the next day when Mars enters Aries.. 7/15 - 7/16 - 7/17 or shortly thereafter could be quite nasty. Especially in the early hours (PDT) of 7/17 when the Moon is in deep debility and Mars is hours from changing signs.
The Chart of our president looks very scary when placed next to this one, like he may suffer a loss around this time also,, or shortly thereafter - or at the very least he will have a rough year
The kala Sarpa Yoga (7/9 - 8/19) Involves tidying up loose ends and finishing the work to improve what we are half involved with. My guess is that this will cause major problems in Iraq or Afghanistan, as this is some business we are already involved in and are needing to improve.
Mars will take up residence in Aries for 7 months - and square Square Saturn during this time - This would seem to indicate a military involvement and security fears, etc,, as i wrote earlier " Saturn will be in Cancer for the next 2 years. This will bring forth security concerns and emotional control. A fear of not being adequately protected is likely. Look for congress to start increasing the military budget, or talks about that to begin. Perhaps, reinstatement of the draft will be forthcoming to assuage our fears and feelings of vulnerability."

From Early to Mid July a very dangerous time as Mars approaches North Node - New moon of 7/6 2005 predicts an ominous month. The New Moon chart has a Gemini ascendant - Merc / venus and saturn in Cancer - with Mars /Rahu tightly conjoined in PIsces and opposed Ketu and Jupiter - (who is the Lord of Mars and Rahu) Jupiter will try to protect his houses, yet Mars Rahu in Pisces shows the possibilty of religious fanaticism resulting in violence. In this chart Mars is the 6th and 11th lord tightly in square and aspecting the Sun and Moon (rasi aspect) - Mars is also Planetary aspecting, in the house of action, the 10th house. Saturn mercury and Venus are all in the enemy Moon's sign. Mercury in particualr is important as the Lord of the Sun and Moon's sign as well as the Nakshatra Lord of Merc, Mars and Rahu.
A lot of potential for some nasty stuff involving explosions, (mars) toxins and radiation (Rahu), with a mystical / spiritual connotation (Pisces) Especially after 7/9 When Mars crosses Rahu and completes the Kala Sarpa Yoga. (All planets between Ketu and rahu) a week later (7/16) Mars will cross the April 8th eclipse point - This could be a very scary day, as the Sun also enters Cancer also the next day when Mars enters Aries.. 7/15 - 7/16 - 7/17 or shortly thereafter could be quite nasty. Especially in the early hours (PDT) of 7/17 when the Moon is in deep debility and Mars is hours from changing signs.
The Chart of our president looks very scary when placed next to this one, like he may suffer a loss around this time also,, or shortly thereafter - or at the very least he will have a rough year
The kala Sarpa Yoga (7/9 - 8/19) Involves tidying up loose ends and finishing the work to improve what we are half involved with. My guess is that this will cause major problems in Iraq or Afghanistan, as this is some business we are already involved in and are needing to improve.
Mars will take up residence in Aries for 7 months - and square Square Saturn during this time - This would seem to indicate a military involvement and security fears, etc,, as i wrote earlier " Saturn will be in Cancer for the next 2 years. This will bring forth security concerns and emotional control. A fear of not being adequately protected is likely. Look for congress to start increasing the military budget, or talks about that to begin. Perhaps, reinstatement of the draft will be forthcoming to assuage our fears and feelings of vulnerability."
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