Catching up,..
these updates were posted before here:
(May 10, 2005
Re: Some predictions / timeline
OK - Well, in regard to the operating predictions I made - I'm doing OK - - President Bush embarked on a peace mission overseas last week,, right on time, yet there are continuing tensions with Russia and Putin over the Baltics.. (As I said Mars in Square to this Venus in Taurus)
Plus i mentioned the Computer hacking thing earlier today from CNN - -
I bet there will be an espionage or security breach discovered soon - and a stock market hit in telcomm / hi tech / communications stuff.
here are the active predictions:
"Venus enters own house Taurus 5/5 -
Mercury breaks the exchange w/ Jupiter 5/8
Diplomacy and diplomatic efforts restored yet the break in the mercury / Jupiter exchange harms communication (Mercury) and ideas and long term vision ethics and Spiritual values keep parties divided. (Jupiter) Mars squaring this Venus will add stress and bickering
(5/7-5/21 Saturn is in trouble)The break in the Parivartana Yoga also harms Saturn as his Lord Mercury is now in unreliable Aries, and Jupiter in inimical Virgo - The pressure of Both Nodes are now harming Saturn creating insecurities and fears around intelligence, communications, technology - I would not be surprised to see a attack on information systems like a breach in CIA information systems or FBI, etc. Perhaps a scandal or espionage involving figures emerging at this time."
(MAy 26, 2005)
Re: Some predictions / timeline
I have not been looking too closely at specific stories,, yet i did see this yesterday - - basedon this very active prediction - and the other one about internet attacks - -
BTW - these dates show the approxiamte time when thee things should begin - especially with a saturn influence which is long term.
(5/7-5/21 Saturn is in trouble) since then Saturn has moved into Cancer - increasing the concern - -
",.. The pressure of Both Nodes are now harming Saturn creating insecurities and fears around intelligence, communications, technology - I would not be surprised to see a attack on information systems like a breach in CIA information systems or FBI, etc."
here is another example of these security fears, combined with the Mercury weakness - - in lieu fo the fear of a "digital Pearl Harbor" the CIA has been conducting an unprecedented "Internet War Exercise" -- so no attck has happened, but certainly the fears are present..
(May 10, 2005
Re: Some predictions / timeline
OK - Well, in regard to the operating predictions I made - I'm doing OK - - President Bush embarked on a peace mission overseas last week,, right on time, yet there are continuing tensions with Russia and Putin over the Baltics.. (As I said Mars in Square to this Venus in Taurus)
Plus i mentioned the Computer hacking thing earlier today from CNN - -
I bet there will be an espionage or security breach discovered soon - and a stock market hit in telcomm / hi tech / communications stuff.
here are the active predictions:
"Venus enters own house Taurus 5/5 -
Mercury breaks the exchange w/ Jupiter 5/8
Diplomacy and diplomatic efforts restored yet the break in the mercury / Jupiter exchange harms communication (Mercury) and ideas and long term vision ethics and Spiritual values keep parties divided. (Jupiter) Mars squaring this Venus will add stress and bickering
(5/7-5/21 Saturn is in trouble)The break in the Parivartana Yoga also harms Saturn as his Lord Mercury is now in unreliable Aries, and Jupiter in inimical Virgo - The pressure of Both Nodes are now harming Saturn creating insecurities and fears around intelligence, communications, technology - I would not be surprised to see a attack on information systems like a breach in CIA information systems or FBI, etc. Perhaps a scandal or espionage involving figures emerging at this time."
(MAy 26, 2005)
Re: Some predictions / timeline
I have not been looking too closely at specific stories,, yet i did see this yesterday - - basedon this very active prediction - and the other one about internet attacks - -
BTW - these dates show the approxiamte time when thee things should begin - especially with a saturn influence which is long term.
(5/7-5/21 Saturn is in trouble) since then Saturn has moved into Cancer - increasing the concern - -
",.. The pressure of Both Nodes are now harming Saturn creating insecurities and fears around intelligence, communications, technology - I would not be surprised to see a attack on information systems like a breach in CIA information systems or FBI, etc."
here is another example of these security fears, combined with the Mercury weakness - - in lieu fo the fear of a "digital Pearl Harbor" the CIA has been conducting an unprecedented "Internet War Exercise" -- so no attck has happened, but certainly the fears are present..
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