President Bush's Chart and the next year / New Moon
We can see the chart of President Bush Laid Next to the Chart of the New Moon of July 6, 2005. Notice how Saturn / Venus and Mercury have all returned to the Presidents first house -- PLUS - this day is George Bush's 59th Birthday!! FIVE Planets are making a return, The Sun and Saturn (almost to the exact degree) and Venus and Mercury and Jupiter. All of these planets are in the Same position in the sky as in his natal Chart. Particularly of Note is the Sun and Saturn. Given that Saturn only returns usually twice in our lives, unless we live to 90 years old and the Sun is related to Kings and presidents. This New Moon coinciding with Bush's Solar (Varshapal Chart) return indicates this to be a very important year in the developement of his consciousness. There are some ominous indications here however, as all 3 planets in the 1st house of Mr Bush's natal chart are difficult ones for a Cancer. Saturn is the 8th lord (death and regeneration) Mercury is the 3rd and 12th lord (self will and apathy/indifference) and Venus is the 11th lord (excessive ambition) These planets as well as his ruling planet being in the 3rd house w/the 6th lord, makes for a very independent and self willed man.
Also Observe his dasa period has just changed to Mercury dasa, after 19 years of Saturn. The 19 year saturn period was when he turned his life around, as previous to that he had failed in all areas of business, and had well documented and admitted substance problems. (See 6th lord Jupiter in the 3rd, exchanging with lagna lord - Jupiter dasa was not good for him)
Mercury for Mr. Bush is the lord of his 3rd and 12th house. It is also the dispositor of the 6th and 9th lord, Jupiter - thus some of the problems of his Jupiter dasa are likely to emerge - (for instance being overtaken by enemies, rather than defeating them - weak Jupiter) Mercury is also the Dispositor of his second lord, the Sun. Saturn's transit through the first house is always a potentially dangerous transit, especially if it is a malefic natally and affecting a malefic dasa lord. In this case all of these scenarios are in play. Saturn will cross himself (7th and 8th lord - spouse, the public - transformation, death and change) and Mercury, the dasa lord, (3rd and 12 th lord - siblings, courage - foreign countries, isolation) also Venus the 4th and 11th lord (family, mother - large groups of people, ambition) Also given that Mercury will produce the results of jupiter and his ruling planet, the Moon we can expect this transit and period to be a time when Bush will be evalutaing many karmas associated with 3rd house matters (self will, siblings) AND affairs relevant to Jupiter (faith / moralit / ideals) and the Moon (patience/receptivity/ helath), yet the risk of health problems is there (1st and 6th lord joined )- although an exchange will generally protect the health.
Also Mercury is the dipositor of the Sun, 2nd lord, who resides in Gemini and is the indicator of power. Mr. Bush will be reckoning with any abuses of power duing this Saturn transit. Virgo and Gemini are also lit up by this dasa. Besides producing the results of the planets in them, they also teach us about their quality. Thus more skill with all affairs relevant to Mercury are being tested now and for 17 years, but acutely as saturn transits over his natal Mercury. With virgo, being less picky and attached to personal opinions about how to best manage ourselves will be explored, regarding Gemini, how to be more consistent and (potentially) honest. A weak Mercury (as Mr. Bush has) can lead to not getting the details straight and/or not feeling particularly bound by the "truth." Seeing that as a relative concept that justifies the desired goal as Mercury is a neutral planet, which takes on the characteristics of the strongest influences around it. In this case Saturn and Venus AND it is involved in a parivartana Yoga (exchange) with the ruling planet (moon ) and the 6th lord. (jupiter) A fallen Jupiter in the 3rd house also will show a more self-willed / opinionated approach to universal concepts like "truth" and "tolerance." In simple language, this Saturn transit over dasa Lord and speech giver Mercury will show the karmic price to pay for how well / truthfully we have communicated. All of our difficult and positive karma are to teach us. The dasa of the 3rd lord in itself is also dangerous as the 3rd lord is a secondary death planet, as being the lord of the 8th house from the 8th house.
In sum, this next year could be very difficult for Mr. Bush and his family. His siblings, mother, father, spouse could all be at personal risk, as is he. These difficulties will be scenarios that seek to liberate him from the attachement he may have to their expected worldy happiness, as is with everything else. As was stated, Saturn transits through the first house are tricky in the best of circumstances. His chart does not reflect the best of circumstances by a long shot. Not long after his birthday there will be a very dangerous time for othe world AND him personally, as discussed. This period is discussed in other posts, 7/15-7/18 especially, or shortly thereafter. Also from 7/9 - 8/19 There will be a Kala Sarpa Yoga (Serpent of Time YOga) which is formed when all of the Planets are in between The Nodes. In this case they will be in between Ketu and Rahu (moving counter claockwise) which indicates the completion of some karmas are likely to happen, or event begun will be to complete / reckon with past actions. This formation will affect everyone's Chart. Not only will Saturn be in his first house for 2 years, but Mars will be going back and forth in square to it, from Aries, after just passing Rahu and the recent eclipse point. Especially as president of the country, our collective karma is tied to his personal karma. So we all may have some hardship ahead.
I want to be clear, even though i have metnioned death several times, I am NOT predicting his physical death, or the death of any loved ones, but even in the best of Scenarios, as show by this Saturn transit squaring Mars until Feb 2006, Mr. Bush will be dealing with A LOT of responsibility/pressure/seriousness/enemies, etc. for at least the next 7 months.
dangerous / stressful periods - actually all of this month and the next couple of months are VERY dangerous / stressful for all things i have mentioned. As not only will Saturn / Sun / Mercury / Venus be moving through his first house, they will also cross his natal Mars and enter his third house, joining his ruling planet and Jupiter. These are approximate days.. I have not looked at every trigger. (The Moon is the daily trigger and lagna, the final one)
7/2-7/9 Mercury will pass over lagna lord and 3rd lord - danger in foreign travel, 12th lord and to his siblings
7/22 - 8/14 3rd lord / Dasa lord Merc will retrograde over Natal Mercury and Lagna point. Same reasons as above
Around 9/1 - danger from vehicles as Venus crosses third house cusp and langa lord / jupiter conjunction
9/9 - 9/20 - Saturn is within a degree of his natal lagna, dasa lord will cross natal Mars and enter third house, joining Moon and Jupiter (6th lord)
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