Sunday, July 31, 2005

Karl Rove Scandal Update

I was just thinking today also about this merc retro.. a week ago there was alot of talk about Karl Rove scandal and since Merc slowed down last week, then went retro, all of the talk has stopped,, I predicted Rove would get the axe when Merc went retro.

But the talk will will start again once Merc goes forward i bet. Retrograde is hard to predict. I have seen many times, and i should have been aware of this, that if there is a Mercury problem occuring while Merc is direct, it will stop once the planet goes retrograde, then continue again once he goes direct. This Rove mess is a Merc retro thing foir Bush, AND a South Node transiting Jupiter in the 3rd house thing.

So this time is giving Bush INC. time to re asses how to deal with the Rove mess. Think about it, this story was all over the news a week or so ago, and now,.. gone!

It is not as if something else has repaced it either. The record heat?!? no! - nothing -- it just disappeared. it is crazy..

Actually i have seen many times, especially with ilnessess that Saturn retrograde will be a time of releif or remission, especially with Cancer. And also when Saturn backs up into the previous sign. As this has just happened i am thinking of 2 Cancer patient clients who went into remission when Saturn went retro last ,..

So with retro, the planet reverses whatever it was doing before. Check this out.

NASA Shuttle launch Update

Well the problems with the chart are surely being shown,, NASA admitted last week thqat they probably shoulg have grounded the mission - The mission has been externded as they have now also found some hanging debris on the underside of the orbiter.

Let's Hope they can return safely -

"The crew of Discoveryhad to put the craft into a spectacular flip to allow photographs of the heat shield to be taken. Nasa says that billions of dollars of research has failed to find a solution (NASA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES) TWO astronauts will take a space walk today to inspect damage to the heat shield of the shuttle Discovery, hours after Nasa admitted that it had made a mistake in allowing their mission to go ahead. Although Discovery safely docked with the International Space Station 122 miles above Earth after a spectacular flip manoeuvre to photograph the shield, plans to relaunch its sister shuttles Atlantis and Endeavour were on indefinite hold after Nasa ordered them to be grounded. In comparison to the euphoria of the seemingly successful launch on Tuesday, an event intended to put America’s space programme back on the rails after the Columbia disaster in 2003, managers were once more in crisis mode. Their three-strong shuttle fleet, they admitted, would never be fully safe to fly. Questions mounted over whether the programme could weather another crisis of confidence after a near-catastrophic problem with the shuttle’s fuel tank was identified, posing exactly the kind of danger that provoked the burn-up of Columbia with the loss of seven lives.,,11069-1712931,00.html

Monday, July 25, 2005

NASA Shuttle Launch

New Shuttle Launch Date
the countdown is on. 7/26/05 10:39 AM Cape canaveral FL Yikes! this is a nasty looking chart. South Node w/Jupiter in 1st -- Mars in the 8th, Moon 2 degrees from the North node in the 7th house (other people) Nodes in 1/7 especialy South Node in 1st i do not like. Sun and Saturn still right on top of each other. Sun/Mars square. Venus in the 12th,, ugh! Not to mention Merc Retrgrade, the old faithul boogie man. There is almost nothing good about this chart, except Jupiter in the 1st (but jupiter is getting hammered by the Node)

notice the tithi (7th) has to do with vehicles and it is inauspicious 7th tithi on a tuesday is "Visha" poison -- . maybe a problem in the craft with the fuel or poisons - contaminants..

Tuesday: Pisces (Revati) MarsJupiterMercury - 7th Tithi (Indra - Conveyances and journeys) INAUSPICIOUS. The Moon will cross rahu today so we must be careful not to get carried away with our mental fantasies and fears. Jupiter and Mercury, the two planets of the mind are important as we unite the detail oriented nature of the mind with the expansive nature of the mind. Mercury is the Lord of Revati, the gentle nakshatra that completes our journey home. He is also the Lord of a transiting Jupiter's sign, Virgo. Thus Mercury will be important today. Mercury is retrograde in the sky right now. Planets are stronger when retrograde, yet their external indications are not as strong. Their energy is very present in our consciousness when retrograde. Thus Mercury and Jupiter will make this a good day for study, creativity, especially writing and subtle forms of communication.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Update - 7/14 - Karl Rove et al

I had said that there could be trouble to Bush's siblings or stress with them.. this is third house stuff,, Siblings and friends --

"7/2-7/9 Mercury will pass over lagna lord and 3rd lord - danger in foreign travel, 12th lord and to his siblings ---- 7/22 - 8/14 3rd lord / Dasa lord Merc will retrograde over Natal Mercury and Lagna point. Same reasons as above"

This Karl Rove thing is clearly shown here.

Third house is loosley translated as siblings, but it really shows our allies and friends, those we share common interests with, and those we go to battle with, against others (6th house, enemies) Rove is definitely a 3rd house ally to Bush,, his top advisor and friend.. and Bush is feeling a lot of stress now about loyalties to his friend who seems to have done a very bad thing in outing a CIA agent in order to cover an Administration exaggeration used to justify the Iraq invasion. (the exaggeration about Africa selling uranium to Iraq)

I had thought his direct siblings would be bringing the trouble that i saw as one of them is a governor,, but clearly this issue w/ Rove falls in that category.. he is as close to sibling w/out being one as you can get apparently, which i did not know until recently. He and Bush are very good personal friends as well as political allies.

FYI - this is shown because his 3rd lord is in his first house transiting Saturn as i had mentioned in an earlier post, trouble with this Mercury transit - - Since he is in Merc dasa, siblings/allies will be issues now.

Mercury goes retrograde on July 23rd the same day that the Sun is directly on his natal Saturn,, shortly afterward i think Rove gets the axe or most likely resigns -- cleaning up the communication messes.. that is what Merc retrograde does, and this is definitely a mess and a distraction.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Update - 7/13 -

In my BLOG on 6/21 I wrote: "The potential for a terrorist attack on the water supply is a real possibililty as Mars and Rahu are in Pisces and Saturn is in Cancer. (Pisces and Cancer are both water signs) There was recent news about this possiblility as the gov't has been investigating it. Mars approaches Rahu and the eclipse point in Mid July and thereafter moves into Aries. But actually, these events could take place anytime within the next month, either here in the US or elsewhere. Mars = attacks, Rahu = Poisons, Saturn = Death -- In 2 water signs this could be meaninigful.. After this event there will likely be a new military conflict as Mars and saturn will be in square until Feb 2006."

Well thankfully i have been wrong about a major terrorist attack on the water supply. Yet it is funny how these things are seen. We had the first major terrorist attack in England last week, right on time with this dangerous month which i alluded to at my BLOG, and we have an unprecedented early hurricane season, showing the exaggerated and excessive water danger and influence. The North Node exaggerates things and blows them up, but he also shows toxins and poisons literally. We have been dodging bullets. Let's hope it continues. Keep Praying
These are all from the last week -

Here is a quote about the hurricane season:"July 5 is the earliest date on record for four named storms to have formed in the Atlantic, and worries about the already active season helped send oil prices climbing briefly past $60 a barrel Tuesday"

Mysterious underwater volcanos in Japan

New Yorkers advised to boil water because of tainted water supply

There were several other stories but this should suffice to show how Mars and Rahu in Pisces are working right now. There was also a major escalation in violence in Iraq by both the US military and Iraqi resistance, and a beheading in Afghanistan. This week could have some real difficult times as the Sun and Mars both change signs; Mars will transit the April 8th eclipse point just a day before entering Aries and passing the gandantha point; at the same time the Moon will be close to debility. Also the Kala Sarpa Yoga is in effect now for a month or so. (all planets Between the Nodes) This Kala Sarpa has to do with completing karmas, (planets between Ketu and Rahu, not reverse) thus i think the theaters of current operations will be disrupted, Iraq / Afghanistan / perhaps more flack over Guantanamo Bay. We have already seen the beheading in Afghanistan, so i think an escalation may occur in the next month or so in Iraq also. Next weekend especially looks precarious. July 15-18th or so,.. Let's keep praying Folks. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a great one. is a page with that as well as other mantras. OM Namo Narayanaya is another famous peace mantra.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

July 6, 2005 - G-8 Summit - Happy B'Day Mr. President - New Moon

The G-8 Summit in Scotland will begin on President Bush's Birthday AND the day of the New Moon. (See their posted Charts)

There is a lot of interest and world pressure here to do the right thing. There is certainly the possibility. A few of the main issues are the Clean air / global warming debate. The Bush Admin has backed out of the Kyoto Treaty and will try to chnge the debate, so it is being reported. Also aid to Africa is a big issue.

This New Moon chart with all of the planets between the nodes (except Mars) shows the issues of pollution/global warming/air quality, as the Sun and Moon are in an Air sign and the Node rules poisons. The aspect of Jupiter shows the humanitarian theme.

As discussed in the earlier BLOG about this New Moon, this day in particular is not a very auspiscious one, with both Nodes aspecting the Sun and Moon, joined Mars and Jupiter --